Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas Break in Utah

Our predetermined plans for Christmas Break were to go to Utah day after Christmas. Unfourtunetly, our plan had a major snag one and a half hours in to the drive. I-58 was closed due to high winds. SO we turned around and went to Red Lobster for dinner. Porter and I stayed up playing guitar hero till 1:30 in the morning.

After waking at 4:00 to start driving, we promptly fell asleep in the car for almost the whole time. Shortly after arriving and getting spruced up, Grandpa Stu took us all out to Olive Garden. It was of course, delicious.

Next event that happened was going to a super multiple stake dance with Cooper and Kaitlin. Porter and I went. After hanging out for a while and grafiting on Kaitlin's bedroom wall, we went to the dance. Kaitlin and I though it was lame, so we left and went to Cold Stone. This was also delicious. Then we went back to her house and watched a movie about the Russians and Cubans invading the United States. It was cool.

Today, we went to our grandparents ward for the whole reason we came, to see the blessing of little baby James "Buster" Stuart Biddulph. He is Jay's kid and my siblings and I like to call him Jimmy Stuart. He is adorable and hogs all the attention from Talmage.

After the blessing and sacrament meeting, we had a big jubilee at my grandparents' house. There was ham, roast beef, my mom's pear salad for those of you who like it, and a chocolate fountain.

Tomorrow, we plan on going sledding with the Matthew and Leslie clan and hanging at their house for new years.

That's it hear from Utah. Enjoy the awesome shreddings of Dragon Force now posted on my blog. Mommy got a digital camera for Christmas, so more pictures should be coming.

As a side note, spelling things right on the interweb is kind of a waste of time.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Finals and Christmas Break

It seems that people like to freak out about finals. They see it as a hard test that is worth a lot of points for their grade. They feel the need to study for hours on end. I find this to be pretty ridiculous, and stupid. These are my thoughts on the subject.

Seeing as finals is about everything you've learned, its just review. If you were paying any attention at all during class, you should be fine. Studying and cramming a whole lot of data, and not being even sure if said data will be needed to pass the test, puts strain and stress on you head, your mind, and your brain. I feel that if you just do the review your teachers give you, you should be okay.

Also, finals is the last little bit of school before a long vacation, winter and summer to be exact. So, putting a lot of stress on yourself before a nice vacation will really put a damper on your vacation. Christmas break is fine! It is a nice break from school and gives you time to relax.

So, another great imput of my great opinions for you all to benefit from. Hope you liked it!

Have a super life,
Tanner "Awesome" Urmston

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Filling in Gaps of Stuff You are Writing

As I sit at the computer, supposed to be doing a book report, I think of ways to fill in space of things that you are writing. I have contemplated this a long time, so long in fact it sometimes has hurt my brain; but, after much deliberation, I have finally decided that although this method may seem stupid, it actually works sometimes! For example, while you may only be able to write one paragraph on the doings of your week, you may find that adding things in between sentences really expands them.

Well, my week has been pretty much awesome. Apart from one little thing; that being the book report on The Bourne Identity that I am supposed to be working on. I haven't even finished the book yet. It seems that whenever I sat down and read it, it would be at a boring part, and, due to my crazy busy lifestyle, I would fall asleep. It was a shame. So now, I have about a page and two paragraphs to write. It always seems that whenever I need to do something, I normally don't feel like doing it. Although said thing I need to do is really easy, I have a feeling of unintrest and really not wanting to do it.

Well, seeing as I need to do that report, I conclude. I hope you have learned from the glourious example of my blog on how to add more to your writing. Following someone's example is a great way to learn many thigs. In fact, it may be one of the best ways to learn.

Bye for now,
Tanner "The Yellow Dart" Urmston

Friday, November 23, 2007

I Gots Tagged!

So, Tyler tagged me. Thumbs up. So six interesting things about me.. Hmm...

1. I could live offa pasta and apple pie.
2. I like doing triathlons and running the guts out of my self.
3. I ran varsity cross country this season as a freshmen.
4. My bike is better than yours.
5. I can freely say that I am a nerd and not be ashamed.
6. My left nipple is 3/4" in. higher than my right.

So, now I'm going to tag Candice, Uncle Marc/Aunt Linda, and Uncle Mathew/Aunt Leslie.
Have Fun!!!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Death of Cross Country

As my not getting in the top 12 in the valley meet caused the death of my cross country season, I have begun to contemplate on the fun times and lessons I've learned through out the season. I have learned that even if the going or anything, life for example, gets tough, you can't complain and just have to muscle through it. Then, the resulting out come will be all the more sweeter, as you sprint and make a guy swallow your dust as he gapes, openend mothed, as the crazy freshmen sprints to the finish line. Ahh, sweet victory!
As for fun times, I have made many friends on my cross country team and found a new "one of my favorite sports of all time". It's soccer, but you can pick the ball up and tackle each other. We call it Ultimate Soccer.
Ah, I sure will miss the awesome funess of our team. As we will gain new, naive, think their the fastest in the bunch freshmen ( As all freshmen are), the team just won't be the same.

07 Frontier Titan's Cross Country Team
Good Times, Good Times
P.S. As for all ya'lls comments on the last one, I just got round to reading um! Yep stayin outa trouble, The Muppets are hilarious, and Cooper, no we don't have a men's volleyball team. I just wish we did and I decided the T.V. blog would be too much of a hassle, so I decided to dump it. Sorry! Check out my costume pictured below.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Story of My Current Life

Cross Country
Heroes and the office
That's it in a nut shell.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My Birthday

Today was my birthday. It was a good birthday. Here's what I did:
1. Bought donuts and went to seminary. Gave out said donuts.
2. Went to school and drew a picture of a cake and wrote " Happy Birthday to Myself " on my english teacher's board.
3. Went through school all the way to lunch with various people telling me Happy Birthday.
4. Mom got me a Baconator from Wendies for lunch. It was delish.
5. Left biology early to go to a cross country meet. As I left, someone who saw the drawing yelled Happy Birthday at me and everyone started saying it, leaving the room in total chaos.
6. Went to said meet. Ran 3.2 miles in varsity and got a time of 21:45.
7. Came home and had a dinner of cheese ravioli with shrimp and spinach with Grandpa Dean and Grandpa Stumbagh.
8. Got these presents:
A. Some money and candy from grandma and grandpa.
B. Two bags of turtle chex mix
C. A the cheat shirt
D. A racing bike for triathlons.
9. Had cake and ice cream.
10. Finished some homework and posted this.

I now look forward to a late start day tommorow with a little extra sleeping.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

The Frontier Tintans Cross Country Team 1st Annual Poker Run

This Saturday, me and the rest of the fam minus Porter, who was wiped from his football game ( they won 6 - nothing ), went to my cross country team's poker run. What you do is run 2 miles and get a poker card every lap after the first one. Then, at the end, who ever had the best hand, the worst hand, the best man hand, and the best woman hand won prizes. The runners have to run the whole thing with a family member. The family members can switch off every lap, but the student has to run the whole two miles.

Now, we did do the best and finished first, but our family had the worst poker hand. So, we did not win a Jamba Juice or Cold Stone gift card. Oh well, we made a name for the Urmstons amongst the other teammates.

You may be wondering what the man and woman hands are. Well, since you people are so nice and read my blog, I will explain it to you. The man's hand cards were kings, jacks, and twos. The woman's hands cards were queen's aces and sevens. Who ever had the best combination of those cards won the gift cards. The best hand and worst and prizes were bubbles and hacky sacks, as picked by the choaches kids.

I'll try to get some pictures as soon as possible. As for now, I will add a music thing to my blog!

Signing off,

Tan the Man Urmston.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Blogging is new.

Hey everybody! Welcome to my blog. More to come later.