Sunday, September 9, 2007

The Frontier Tintans Cross Country Team 1st Annual Poker Run

This Saturday, me and the rest of the fam minus Porter, who was wiped from his football game ( they won 6 - nothing ), went to my cross country team's poker run. What you do is run 2 miles and get a poker card every lap after the first one. Then, at the end, who ever had the best hand, the worst hand, the best man hand, and the best woman hand won prizes. The runners have to run the whole thing with a family member. The family members can switch off every lap, but the student has to run the whole two miles.

Now, we did do the best and finished first, but our family had the worst poker hand. So, we did not win a Jamba Juice or Cold Stone gift card. Oh well, we made a name for the Urmstons amongst the other teammates.

You may be wondering what the man and woman hands are. Well, since you people are so nice and read my blog, I will explain it to you. The man's hand cards were kings, jacks, and twos. The woman's hands cards were queen's aces and sevens. Who ever had the best combination of those cards won the gift cards. The best hand and worst and prizes were bubbles and hacky sacks, as picked by the choaches kids.

I'll try to get some pictures as soon as possible. As for now, I will add a music thing to my blog!

Signing off,

Tan the Man Urmston.


Dean and Maryellen said...

Sounds like fun.

Stake Camp Directors said...

That is a cool idea. Distance runners are amazing to me.

Tyler said...

lol hey tanner you spelled coaches wrong. but i cant do distance so what does it matter.

Tanner said...

Who cares if I spelled coaches Wrong tyler.