Sunday, December 16, 2007

Finals and Christmas Break

It seems that people like to freak out about finals. They see it as a hard test that is worth a lot of points for their grade. They feel the need to study for hours on end. I find this to be pretty ridiculous, and stupid. These are my thoughts on the subject.

Seeing as finals is about everything you've learned, its just review. If you were paying any attention at all during class, you should be fine. Studying and cramming a whole lot of data, and not being even sure if said data will be needed to pass the test, puts strain and stress on you head, your mind, and your brain. I feel that if you just do the review your teachers give you, you should be okay.

Also, finals is the last little bit of school before a long vacation, winter and summer to be exact. So, putting a lot of stress on yourself before a nice vacation will really put a damper on your vacation. Christmas break is fine! It is a nice break from school and gives you time to relax.

So, another great imput of my great opinions for you all to benefit from. Hope you liked it!

Have a super life,
Tanner "Awesome" Urmston

1 comment:

Dean and Maryellen said...

Enjoyed catching up on your life and your thoughts on life. HOw old are you now, about 50. It is Sunday and we are back frorm Church. Tonight about 40 Elders are singing Christmas Hymns in front of the huge Library. I am going to be the conductor. It should be really really awsome(using your word)
love you, Grandma